How to succeed at last-minute shopping

We’ve all been there- you’ve got an event THIS WEEKEND and you’ve got nothing to wear. Maybe the dress you had intended no longer fits, maybe you got more information about the dress code, maybe you just (ahem) FORGOT- but you need SOMETHING to wear and you need it FAST!

Here’s my guide for keeping your cool and landing on the right outfit that no one will know was thrown together at the 11th hour…


Ask yourself honestly if there’s anything you currently own that will work for the event- this includes shoes, outerwear, jewelry and accessories, handbags, and clothing. Try to draft several outfit options with what you have, and pencil in what you need to find. 


Now that you know what you need, be specific about the requirements of the item (e.g. must be red for a theme party, must be closed-toe shoe for weather, etc.), but be open to the variety of options. What else could fit the bill? A ‘dress’ need could be met with a jumpsuit, a skirt and blouse, even a dressy pantsuit- the less specific you are, the better your chances of finding success.


It’s time to pick a destination. Malls and shopping centers are often good places to start since there are multiple stores in one location, and most of those stores have websites where you can filter their inventory by store location.

Look at the directory of a particular shopping center and identify chains that have e-comm websites and carry they type of item(s) you need

Jump on each store’s website, and start shopping, filtering by type and ‘available in store’ or ‘available for pickup’

Cast a wide net: don’t specify by sleeve length, color, etc. unless necessary. Select sizes at least one above and one below your current size

Take screenshots of items that might work, note the item or style # for easy look up by a salesperson

Able to add to cart for pickup? Great! Keep in mind that the item might be out of stock even if the website says it’s there, resulting in the dreaded “We’re sorry but…” email. Select multiple options if possible as backups

Make sure you’re aware of the return policy if you decide to purchase multiple options with the aim of returning the rest



Call ahead to a few stores that might have what you need- provide a salesperson or department manager necessary information (your size, general item type, budget) and ask them to pull items for you to try

Try to give them item/style numbers of pieces you found on the website to grab for you or to give them an example of what you’re looking for

The more advance notice you give, the better! Don’t expect a lot of options if you give them say, 30 minutes


Bring any items that you may want to coordinate for your look (shoes, jewelry) as well as foundational garments you might need (strapless bra, shapewear). It’s easier to make a decision when you have all your tools rather than having to use your imagination.

Have an honest, trusted advisor on call to receive outfit photos for a second opinion; not only are we not the best judge of our appearance (especially in a crisis), but a commissioned salesperson might have mixed motives :)